A Spectacular Spring

A Spectacular Spring

  • 4 Reasons You Need A Professional Landscaper To Care For Your Property

    Making sure that your yard always looks nice and stays in good health is an essential part of being a good neighbor – nobody wants an eyesore living next to them. It will also help ensure that your property value stays up, which can come in handy if you decide to sell the place at some point in the future. Here are four reasons why you should hire a professional landscaper to maintain your yard year-round:

  • How To Install Travertine Landscape Pavers

    Travertine pavers can enhance your landscape, especially around pool and patio areas since it lowers the temperature around them. Travertine has a surface that can last a long time, and it resists water. The low-erosion surface is ideal for heavy foot traffic. Install travertine pavers by following these steps: Prepare to Install the Pavers You need the following materials to install pavers: work gloves goggles broom pencil paper level tape measure landscape paint or wood stakes course gravel or crushed stone coarse sand and fine sand hammer and cold chisel rubber mallet plate compactor natural stone sealant circular saw with a diamond blade travertine pavers Measure the length and width of the area you want to install the pavers, and multiply length and width to get total square feet.

  • Faqs About Using Hardscaping In A Lawn

    Hardscaping allows you to take advantage of all the non-living stuff that is in your yard. Rocks, bricks, and other hard fixtures can become part of your landscaping. There is a trick to hardscaping though. If you are considering hardscaping, here is what you need to know. What Mistakes Should You Watch Out For? One issue that can come up with hardscaping is using poor path material. The materials that you need, whether they are pavers or bricks, need to be of good enough quality that they can support the weight of someone walking on them and beautify your yard.

  • Insight To Help Improve Your Yard's Landscaping

    Installing and maintaining your yard's landscaping can require some time and effort, but the result will improve the appearance and value of your home. After you invest the time to install your vegetation, shrubbery, and flowers, keeping it weed-free and well-watered are two of the main challenges in keeping it looking nice. Here are some tips to help you accomplish this. Install Drip Irrigation Watering your landscaping vegetation can require a good amount of time and planning.

  • How To Fight Back Against Slugs

    If slugs are taking over your garden and your landscaping, you can fight back against the slugs by following the tips and steps that are outlined below. #1 Use Predators To Fight Back One way to get rid of slugs is by introducing predators that will fight back against the slugs for you. There are a variety of different predators that love to eat slugs and can help keep them out of your garden.

  • About Me

    A Spectacular Spring

    Spring is a breathtakingly beautiful time of the year. During this special season, I adore looking at the beautiful trees, shrubs, and flowers in my front and back yards. Perhaps you want to enhance the appearance of your outdoor property this spring. Consider hiring a professional landscaper to help you accomplish this important task. An expert landscaper can plant fruit trees in your space. For instance, you might want this individual to plant apple, pear, peach, or orange trees on your property. You may also wish for this professional to plant attractive shrubs in front of your home. On this blog, I hope you will discover how a landscaper can help you have a spectacular spring. Enjoy!